

2023 | mahjong set

salvaged acrylic & ACM sheet

modern materials and design for an ancient game. stylized chinese character font developed by Cui Xianren.

yes, the tiles make the sound (・ᴗ・)


Vellum 2016 Submission

material + functional obsolescence 

deformed plastic, overheated metal 

hot and melty things do not make for good lamps 

3 hr use maximum*

*if hot, leave off. if cool, turn on at own risk.

architectural modelmaking

2012-2017 | miscellaneous favorite concept & final models

paraSITE 2.0

2013 | driveway installation

Palo Alto, CA


2013 | with Garret Griffith, Courtney Sluder, Aaron Boucher

This site-specific installation aims to draw attention to an oft-unnoticed element of Building 5: the structural column.  The simplicity of the column belies its incredible importance.  Hundreds of students pass by it on their way between studio and the bathroom, but save for the occasional flyer, no one spares the column a second glance.  The installation is a representation of the potential fracturing of the column, an event that would be sure to capture everyone's attention.

A process book can be found here.