a thesis process blog.


As aforementioned, THE HETERARCHY shall deploy first as a series of entropic interventions. These shall be titled THE ENTROPICS. They will be distributed amongst metropolitan areas, combatting the hierarchical authority of THE CITY.

As of now, there are five entropic categories: THE CIRCULATION, THE INFILL, THE FIFTH FACADE, THE STREET, and THE VACANCY. 


THE CIRCULATION category fulfills the basic function of vertical circulation. However, it pushes the definition of circulation by shoving a new space between two disparate buildings that generates areas for both confrontation and solitude. Interventions that are part of THE CIRCULATION category will fall onto some intersection between two spectrums: one ranges from same to different programs, while the other will range from same to different external appearances.


THE INFILL category will seek to induce spatial exploration of empty lots. Empty city lots are particularly interesting compared to other empty lots because they are surrounded on all sides by existing building walls. THE INFILL will change the way people see blank walls and empty space that has been “put on hold,” so to speak, by the city. Yawning gaps will be subdivided into human-sized spaces. They’ll disregard city fences, seizing control of this free space, giving it to the city's inhabitants.


THE FIFTH FAÇADE is just fancy architectural jargon for the rooftop, but in redefining the rooftop as such, we combat the way the hierarchy has induced us into thinking about rooftops. While THE CIRCULATION category intrudes between buildings and THE INFILL category fills empty space, THE FIFTH FAÇADE category will float above its building(s)—its prey—but will be so much more than a façade. It refutes property lines, air rights, and the prevailing attitude regarding rooftop space, depositing a veritable landscape upon this unexplored façade.


THE STREET is an extension of a current trend in urban design thinking: streets ought to belong to the people, not to automobiles. No matter that streets are scaled to cars. Humans are highly adaptable; it's one of our greatest strengths. THE STREET category aims to flatten the hierarchy of who (what) inhabits the street landscape.


THE VACANCY category subdivides empty, unused space. A fascinating (though ultimately unrelated) fun fact about New York City is that the amount of vacant space littered across the urban fabric can house the city's entire homeless population, with room leftover. While THE VACANCY is not a proposal for a solution to this conundrum, it does address this vast amount of unused space. 




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